Urban transitions empower cities with an industrial legacy to define their own paths towards more vibrant and sustainable economies, improving their local environments and the lives of their residents.
The Urban Transitions Alliance presents an opportunity for industrial legacy cities across the world to demonstrate their commitment to inclusive and sustainable urban development. The Alliance is a city network and knowledge-exchange hub of transformative urban policies and projects.
The Alliance connects industrial legacy cities from across the globe to share transition achievements and jointly identify current challenges. Alliance cities receive tailored support through strong working relationships with local government peers, partners and technical experts.
Exploring Equity in Urban Transitions
Severe job loss in legacy sectors and ongoing disinvestment that primarily impacted former worker’s neighborhoods have led to social inequality as a major transition challenge in Alliance cities. The equity aspect of urban transitions constitutes a joint priority, guiding the conversations and helping to identify clear objectives for cooperation. Throughout the activities, the Alliance is building a knowledge base on how sustainability plans and programs can be designed to benefit all residents and increase equity.

Cities set the course of the Alliance by deciding the topics and challenges to be addressed. These define working group activities and the support and knowledge they need.

Cities share their knowledge through in person meetings and online. Existing and new tools for cities will be developed with additional resources, tools and expert knowledge.

Cities apply knowledge to implement or improve projects, plans and strategies. Solutions are also condensed into knowledge products to be shared and used for local action.
Cities in the Urban Transition Alliance have a rich industrial history but now face significant environmental, economic and social challenges in a post-industrial age. While every city has industrial heritage, each transition journey is unique.
News, stories and progress from the Urban Transitions Alliance